Monday, January 5, 2009


Today I start moving into my New office!!! The Franklin Group Real Estate - Morgan office is now moving to 288 State Street in Morgan Utah USA our phone number will stay the same. The building is brand more peeling paint, leaking ceilings, walls and doors, no more freezing all winter and roasting all summer. AND...the paint and carpeting are beautiful.

The best thing is, we are right next door to SUBWAY!!! I can just walk next door to grab my deli roast beef round with one slice of provolone (in Danielle's case Pomeranian Cheese).... and a coke! I walk in and they automatically just start making it, every once in a blue moon I order something different just to throw them off. They make a great sandwich.

***STORY of the Pomeranian Cheese: Several years ago I was with my daughter, Danielle, at Subway, she ordered her sandwich and wanted pomeranian cheese on it...The Subway worker said "What did you want on it" ....Danielle said "I want Pomeranian on it"....The subway worker said we don't have that kind of cheese ...Yellie said "Yes you do, its right there" ...The lady answered, that is not pomeranian cheese it is provolone...Pomeranian is a Dog....Danielle was very embarrassed, we laughed.....We have gotten many miles of teasing out of that one.

Monday Rambling......

DID YOU KNOW....There are 1,218 peanuts in a single twenty eight ounce jar of Jif peanut butter!!! And....Peanut butter's high protein content draws moisture from your mouth - which is why, in the end, it always sticks to the roof of your mouth.........I just thought I'd share that with you.

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