Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grandma and the Girls

Thanksgiving this year was extra special!!!! It is the first Thanksgiving dinner that I have ever had with Brenda's girls and the first Thanksgiving in over 20 years that I have had with my Mom....Grandma LaNae. Grandma LaNae has always been so sweet to my girls. Kimberlee was dropped off on her way home from college a few years ago and stayed overnight...her and Gma stayed up till 3 am watching movies and eating candy....Heidi and Kendra have had the same experience when we were talking about it....Wii games, movies and candy and talking and laughing....Who know Gma was such a Party Queen. We love you Grandma....Thanks for making Thanksgiving so special this year!

1 comment:

The Davis' said...

I love Grandma LaNae! She is the BEST Grandma EVER! :) She is always so loving, not to mention she has a great sense of humor! :) I hope that as I get older, I can be as witty and wonderful as she is! xoxo Love you GRANDMA!