Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hometown Hero of the Week

This Hero Blog is way past due. I learned of these heroic actions when I first started blogging. But of course, I didn't really blog for a few weeks after Karen set it up for me...anyway, enough rambling. Every Tuesday and Thursday nite I go to water aerobics with Kimberlee, while Scott and Kai work out in the Man Gym..... I got talking to a lady that is in my water aerobics class every week also. Her name is Angie.

For the past 13 years Angie has made a Thanksgiving dinner for anyone at an assisted living center who have no where to go for Thanksgiving or no family to come and see them. What started as a small thing has grown and grown each year. This year she cooked 7 turkeys and served over 210 people. About 20 were homebound, so she delivered it to them. Anyone is invited. It has grown and grown.

Angies son started helping her when he was 7 years old and still helps every year. 2 of the other ladies in our water class went and helped serve this year, and another woman baked pumpkin pies all day the day before and donated all the pies. Her small service has outgrown her kitchen, so her church lets her use their kitchen facilities. She said that it makes her heart swell with Joy and Happiness to help these people each year. After serving all of these people, Angie then goes home and prepares a nice Thanksgiving dinner for her immediate family.

Then...the week after Thanksgiving, Angie takes all the turkey bones and makes a lemon rice chicken soup and goes back and serves all the same people again. I asked if I could help serve next year and she said I can....I can't wait!!! What a wonderful lady...Angie is always so cheerful and fun to have around in our class...What an inspiration. What started as a small labor of love has grown so much and touched so many lives. Thanks ANGIE.....I don't even know her last name......it is probably something like Sweet Angel!!!!