Monday, February 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire - Monday Movie Review

Okay....This movie more than makes up for the last Movie I saw (read my last movie review!!!). Scott took me on a wonderful date to Red Lobster and then to see the movie - Slumdog Millionaire. We saw it Friday night and I am glad because the Oscar awards were on Sunday night and Slumdog won 8 awards from 10 nominations - and rightfully so. This movie was AMAZING!!!
This movie was all filmed right in Mumbai, India in the slums mostly. This is a rags to riches story and a love story and a story of survival. The little boys in this story were darling. The story was told so well and so rich with the culture, music and colors of India. Instead of me chopping up the story for you, just go see the movie. You will not regret it. My favorite movie this year was Benjamin Button, but it was just dropped a notch - as Slumdog Millionaire is my new favorite!! On a scale of 1 to 10, this is a 10!!
My Mom mentioned how many movies that I have been going to lately....I think this is my escape from the world....and I am totally Lovin' It!! Plus, how will the world know which movies to see unless I share my reviews.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

$$$$$$$ FREE MONEY $$$$$$$$

For anyone who knows any first time home buyers: The new stimulus package is giving up to $8000 to first time home buyers and you DO NOT HAVE TO PAY IT BACK!!!! The National Association of Realtors sent this to all agents yesterday saying that the bill has passed!! This is FREE money!! You need to close on a home by July 1, 2009 to qualify. Also, if you purchased a home since April 8, 2008 through July 1, 2009 you may qualify. If you have already done your taxes and claimed the $7500 and thought you would have to pay it back....they have changed it and you need to check with your accountant to amend your taxes! (Yay!! another $500). I also believe if you have not owned a residence in 3 years and purchase now you may qualify - as I said check with your tax guy. But if you need a home, call me. Good Luck.

He's Just Not that Into You

President's Day, A Day off, A day sorta wasted....I went to a chick flick with 2 of my daughters. The only 2 good things that I enjoyed about this movie were A) I was with my girls and B) Scott, my husband did not go with us (He would have HATED this movie). It was a movie made out of a serious book and they tried to make it like a comedy. But it wasn't funny, we were all sunk down in our seats looking at each other saying we should have gone to a different movie.

Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I were a single person. But Danielle is single and young and she was more bored than me. The whole audience seemed just as bored. I must admit, we were more entertained by me trying to get get my candy wrappers opened - imagine what I will be like when I'm 90!!!

For those psyco women that are clingy to any men that pay attention to them...this movie is for you...but basically the answer is, if he doesn't call back...He's not interested. I would recommend spending your money on another movie (I wish I had gone to Slumdog Millionaire instead...that is next on my list!). In all fairness, there were a few funny and enjoyable parts...but not $6.00 worth (it was a matinee you know).

If I Had My Life to Live Over - Erma Bombeck

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage

I would have talked less and listened more

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed

I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime...

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnanacy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.' There would have been more 'I Love you's' and More 'I'm Sorry's'.

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute, look at it and really see it, live it and never give it back. STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!!

Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what. Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.

(Written by Erma Bombeck after she found out she was dying from cancer)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am but a Roger Oyler

This poem hits the nail right on the head, or threads the needle right in the hole...written by Roger Oyler for his wife Kay. My friend Jeri in Ohio sent this to me yesterday - she knows me too well!

I am but a Quilter

I'm but a Quilter
A user of needle and thread
I create designs of Color
To lay upon your bed
I know of strips and borders
of angles, points and stars
Although I make no money
It keeps me out of bars.
I spend my husband's money
On fabric and supplies
He once thought it was funny
But now he only cries
My stash it just keeps growing
All the colors I must own
My credit card I'm owing
I think I need a loan.
My quilts and table runners
Wall hangings and the rest
Are stored in all the closets
So they always look their best
I bring them out for show and tell
Then put them back just so
I would like to keep this going
But shopping I must go
For I'm just a quilter
And hooked I will always be
As I just live for fabric
And fabric lives for me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

WCR Speaker - Paul Pilkinton

Today was our Womens Council of Realtors Business Resource meeting and luncheon. They always have such wonderful speakers. I wish all of my kids could have been there today, luckily Scott went, so he got to enjoy the feast both word and food with me.

Paul Pilkinton is the Weber State University Head Track Coach. He is a world class marathon runner and is the coach of Lindsey Anderson who is the olympic athlete from Morgan (she went to Morgan high with my daughter Kimberlee and was my youngest daughter Danielle's track coach at Morgan 2 years ago).

Paul talked about having a well thought out plan and goals. Also plan for if things change, worst case scenario, how you will handle situations if things change. Paul puts a statement on his mirror and repeats it aloud several times a day. His athletes all use this method also. The subconcious doesn't know truth from untruth, so he trains his subconcious to know that he is the best at whatever his goal is.

Paul was a paid athlete for many years along with having endorsements from several large athletic shoe companies. He held the worlds record in distance several times. He was a fantastic motivational speaker and very enjoyable to listen to.

Monday, February 9, 2009


***The Mod Squad was based on a true story. (Who did you best relate to? Link, Pete or Julie?)

***The idea of painting fingernails originated in China, where the color of someone's nails indicated their social rank. (I wonder what it means when I get a flower put onto my painted toenail???)

***Portrait artist James Whistler decided to paint his mother when the person who had scheduled an appointment with him failed to show. (You can always count on Mom!!)

Monday Movie Review - TAKEN

TAKEN with Liam Nisson.............This movie takes about 10 or 15 minutes to set up the story and then hang on to your seat!!! It is action until the very end!

A father retires from Military secret service early in order to renew his relationship with his estranged 17 year old daughter. The daughter decides to take an extended vacation to Paris with her girlfriend, telling the parents that they are staying with her friends relatives and going to go to museums - when in fact they are going on a summerlong U2 tour all over Europe.

The girls meet a man at the airport that they think is a nice guy, when in fact he sets them up to be kidnapped to be sold into prostitution & drugs. As the daughter is telling her dad they made it safely to Paris, she sees her friend kidnapped and gets to tell her dad briefly of what is happening before she is also taken.

The dad talks to the kidnapper and tells him that he has a "unique set of skills" and they should let his daughter go. Boy, was he right....he goes to Paris and hunts down all the bad guys in a very unique way. This is definitely an Action flick....part of the audience even started clapping at the end. An enjoyable flick.

The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

My co-worker Cathie let me borrow a book that her mother sent to her over the Christmas holiday from Washington State. This book was sent to her from her sister in law in Scotland. This book was printed and bound in Great Britan. It is a book written for young adults.

This is a story of Bruno, the son of the commandant of the Aushwitz prison camp. Bruno is 9 years old and innocent of what goes on beyond the barbed wire fence to the prisoners. His family is moved from a comfortable home in Berlin to a smaller home next to the prison camp, where his father oversees the camp. Bruno is very lonely and goes for a walk along the fence one day and befriends a Jewish boy, Shmuel - who is always wearing striped pyjamas and lives on the other side of the fence.

Bruno and Shmuel meet several times a week over the next year. Over time, Bruno discovers the differences and unfairness of how he lives vs Shmuel's life. Though not written in graphic detail, you understand the atrocities of the holocaust. The starvation, how the prisoners were treated vs the way that the Germans & soldiers lived. This book has a huge surprise ending that leaves you thinking. An excellent book for both adults and older children.

There is a sticker on the book that says this is now a movie. I will try to find the movie and will blog how it is.