Sunday, August 23, 2009

Franklin Group Hawaiian Luau

ALOha!!! - Last Saturday was the Franklin Group Real Estate Summer Party
Good food, great friends, great fun with a killer 4 ofc volleyball tournament thrown in!!

Marino was the Big Kahuna who planned the intense office Volleyball competition!!!! The trophy was HUGE....The Morgan Maniacs had really planned to take the trophy home, but due to circumstances beyond our control, that didn't happen this year....But watch out, we will be totally ready next year!! (Matt said he would make us our own Morgan trophy anyway...whataguy!!! ;-).....

Cathie & college (UVU) bound son David

Cathie's younges son Matt....voted Most Likely to be mistaken for a moviestar!!!!

Cindy, college bound (USU) Danielle and hubby Scott (can't take him anywhere without him acting up!!)

Danielle at USU

Danielle headed to Logan last Tuesday for "Connections" week - in the olden days we used to call it Hello Week. Unable to get into her apt until Friday, Yellie and Lacie stayed with Amanda & Josh (thanks guys!!) - our Logan relatives. After classes, dances, hikes and fun all week - Danielle was able to move into her apt on Friday. Scott and I drove up the with the rest of her household items, took a city tour with her and then went to the famous BlueBird cafe (yummy) for a nice visit.

It's a darling apartment with 4 girls - including high school buddy Jessica (affectionately called Jessiker by me n Scott). Her other 2 roomates are from the SLC area and are Juniors. As shown in the photo - there are plenty of pillows and a sideboard (formerly a headboard before we got hold of it!!!) It was pretty hard leaving her there - but we know that she will do fantastic at school and will have a great time! Yellie we love you!!!

Oh yeah - and just so everyone knows now - It is OFFICIAL: We are now Empty Nesters!! tweet tweet!!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

WCR Leadership Conference

The National WCR Leadership Conference was held this past weekend for all State and Local Chapter President Elect's. This was to teach us that 1) There is so much that we didn't know 2) To help us all realize that there are other women all over the USA that are in the same boat and 3) To give us TONS of Info that will help us all do a great job next year for our chapters!!

The above photos were of the women from the Utah Chapters who attended the conference - we all went out to a fantastic Chicago authentic Italian restaurant on Friday night and then walked down to a waterfall for some fun photos. The 2010 officers in Utah are L to R: Kathy Vause - St. George Chapter, Pam- Utah County Chapter, Cindy Kay - Northern Wasatch Chapter, Vickie Fulkerson - State President Elect and Deanna Dippo - SL Chapter. They are a great group of ladies and I look forward to working with them and seeing them at the conferences this next year! Good Luck in your Chapters!!!

Enjoying the nice Chicago weather and the beautiful flowers and waterfront walkway!!!!